Vibration Tumbler Screens

Screening Technology for all materials

The series VTS machines are tumbler screening machines driven by unbalanced motors, adjustable centrifugal discs which permit generation of a controlled oscillating motion which moves the material across the screen without damaging it. The VTS system achieves high output, particularly with wet and pasty materials.


  • Maintenance free vibration motor
  • Long lifetime of screen inserts
  • Bouncing ball or ultrasonic cleaning to keep the meshes free
  • Simple and fast change of screen inserts
  • Low power consumption
  • Simple adaptation to different products
  • Low foundation loading.


  • Upper deck open or covered
  • Single and multiple screening systems
  • High industry finish for the food industry
  • Explosion-proof motors if required
  • Dust tight
  • A wide range of machine sizes.

Heated system for liquid chocolate

Heated versions of our VTS models are used successfully for the scalping of melted chocolate or cocao. The heating system is maintained at a steady temperature in order to prevent the melted chocolate from setting.

A versatile system for: For materials with various properties:
Screening Dry
Sortering Moist
Classifying Pasty
Dewatering Sludgy
Dedusting Wet
Scalping& Control screening Fibrous

Under ‘Documentation‘ you can download more information about this and other systems and applications. For further questions, please contact us.